Anand Daan – Dignity Foundation Skip to main content

Anand Daan

In urban areas, 20% of households headed by senior citizens are poor. Senior citizens are at a disadvantage as they are usually unemployed due to their age or they are struggling with health complications, rendering them unable to take up jobs to create dependable income. Many senior citizens living in urban slums are abandoned by their family, living alone or bed-ridden.

Another challenge is Tuberculosis among the elderly. Tuberculosis (TB) cripples the immunity of the person. Even if the senior recovers, they need at least 6 months of continuous nutritious ration support to build their immunity.

Dignity Foundation identifies such senior citizens who are genuinely needy in the slum communities across cities and their rural outskirts and provides monthly ration kits to them. This creates food security for the senior citizens as well as reduces their anxiety regarding where their next meal will come from.

Anand Daan for Senior Citizens

Our Goal is to achieve Food Security for the needy elderly who have no reliable source of income or support. Our philosophy is that good health through nutritious food is the beginning of a dignified and healthy life. We provide regular ration support to over 5000 senior citizens across India. However, the need is much more. In 2024, we aim to scale up our impact by 5X – reaching at least 25,000 senior citizens with dependable monthly ration support.

Ni-kshay Mitra of TB-Mukt Bharat Campaign

In 2023, Dignity Foundation made a humble beginning by supporting the Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai’s E-Ward office with customised ration kits for those elderly who were suffering or recovering from Tuberculosis.

We distributed 500 such kits and joined the PM’s mission of making India TB-free. We were also conferred the title of Ni-Kshay Mitra i.e. a registered supporter of the campaign to make India TB-free.
This year, we are aiming to support the Pradhan Mantri’s mission with an ambitious goal of supporting 25,000 TB-ration kits across India. These special kits contain the dry ration items in quantities specified by the TB Mukt Bharat Abhiyan.

You too can become a part of this mission by supporting the cost of these ration kits and donating them to TB-affected individuals through Dignity Foundation.


How it works